Need help meeting the new Part 145 manual requirements? Even if you have a template you still have a major task ahead of you. You’ll not only need to insert your current information, you’ll have to compose and add all the new required information, and then get it approved! And, by April, 2005 you’ll need an FAA approved training manual and program! Our technical writers are professionals with over 20 years experience in aerospace and government publications. They are experts in word processing and illustration and will handle the entire job or provide assistance as required to guarantee FAA approval of your repair station documentation. When we’re done you’ll be able to maintain the manuals yourself or we can provide update service. Keep your repair station staff serving your customers, not writing manuals.

Need help with other documentation?
No problem. We create documents to suit your specific requirements, budget and schedule. Manuals, handbooks, bulletins, engineering drawings, illustrations, photographs…whatever. We’ll provide them turn-key or edit your copy and make recommendations. Our writers are backed up by highly experienced aerospace professionals including FAA DERs that are also available to assist with those documents that require FAA approval.

See what we can do to help with your documentation. Call, visit our website or email us today at